Why Branding Is So Important

“The power of branding is its ability to influence behaviour. We brand companies so they can build reputations. A brand with a good reputation elicits more purchases, advocacy, donations, shares, etc.” Colin Finkle This is why internationally-recognised brands like Apple, Coca Cola, Netflix, and Amazon are more than just the products they sell or their…

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Why Quality Graphic Design Matters

Graphic design has been around for as long as communication. The practice of combining text with images and concepts has entered a new, digital era with the advancement of the Internet, with graphic design playing a central role in websites and apps. Graphic design has quickly evolved from traditional print designs to dynamic designs and…

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How Digital AdSpend Has Grown in 2020

The shift towards digital has been a growing tendency in the last decade, with a growing number of businesses jumping on the online marketing bandwagon. However, something unexpected happened in 2020 that accelerated the rhythm of digitalisation in all areas and made businesses of all sizes take notice of digital marketing practices, such as investing…

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Creative Marketing – Think Outside The Box

Marketing is a domain in continuous evolution with the last couple of decades being dominated by digital marketing and integrated marketing practices. There are multiple views on how one should promote their business, some being more technical and others being referred to as creative marketing. There is a famous saying that good marketing does not…

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Voice Search Is Changing The Face of SEO

When voice search technology came out in 2011, Siri was mostly a fun tool to play with. Voice queries would produce sometimes informative results but also laughable responses. Few people expected voice search to become a major digital trend. In less than a decade those who laughed at Siri’s attempts to understand what users were…

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Web Hosting : What You Need To Know!

Website hosting permits individuals and organisations to run a website or content web page on the internet. Hosting providers allow the files that make up a website or web application (code, images, copy etc.) available to be viewed online. As we know website data is stored and hosted on specific computers and these computers are called servers.…

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Affordable COVID-19 Marketing for Businesses!

The outbreak of COVID-19 is nothing we have ever seen before, affecting all types of  businesses across all different industries. We understand that right now businesses are cutting costs and marketing is usually the first thing to go. However, it’s times like these that low cost marketing strategies is ever so important to continue to…

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